Adopting energy-efficient measures in a renovation allows heating costs to be reduced significantly. For this specific application, we have developed a new type of insulation material that delivers lots of benefits: flaporplus.
The 25% thinner flaporplus boards offer the highest level of insulation but take up the smallest amount of space. In particular in renovations of old buildings, this allows a saving of up to 80% on the heating costs in years to come.
Thanks to special infrared reflectors which are reflected in the gray color, flaporplus massively reduces the amount of radiant heat transmitted.The thermal conductivity of 0.031 W/mK is well below the figure for comparable insulation materials and can be optimized still further if necessary.
The foam-molding process at Flatz guarantees optimum physical properties thanks to precision processing and perfect welding – for example when it comes to tensile and compressive strength or water absorption.
Once laid, the insulation will last for the lifespan of any building. And this is of course without releasing any pollutants. Even after the end of its life cycle, flaporplus really does benefit the environment because the material is 100% recyclable and can thus be reused easily and cleanly. And on top of all that: flaporplus satisfies all the requirements to qualify for the “Ecological housing” subsidy from the Austrian state of Vorarlberg.
Hängt von den Anforderungen ab: Isolierend mit Transportschutz, Mehrweg mit einfachem Handling, hoher Transportschutz und doch leicht und natürlich auch die Optik. Geht alles, fragen Sie uns einfach.